Bob Fischer

Bob's Pic!

Here is Bob in his own words!

Keyboard: "I worship the Keyboard god at the altar of his many forms... Whatever the heck that means."

Writing: "Writing a song for me is like being the architect of a monumentous structure. It is starting at the foundation of basic arrangement and working one's way up to the superstructural details such as that of keyboard technique and voice inflection."

Music: "Music is the road. Music is the river. Music is the air under an eagle's wings..."

Do you want to know what this means? For only $19.95 you can buy "Bob's Guide to his Own Meaningless Dribbel"! Send check or money order to ""

Influences: "My major influences are progressive groups like Rush, ELP, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Yes, Black Sabbath, etc... Lyrically my influences are thinkers like Immanual Kant and Jean-Paul Sartre... How can one even BEGIN to write Rock lyrics without a background in Phenomenolgy or Existentialism?"

Three of a Mind: "A musical force that will change the course of Human history, that will create a new order of Light and Beauty that will conquer the darkness in a weary world, that will alter the destiny of the Universe forever!"

Whoops, I went psychotic again didn't I? I'm better now.

Talk: "What my friends usually want me to STOP when I'm arguing metaphysics, theology, or some other nonsense for more than an hour or two..."

Vital Stats:

Name: Bob Fischer
Born: Orlando, FL
Occupation: Instilling Order in a Chaotic and Generally Unstable Universe
Hobbies: 1) Blowing up things, usually myself, in computer games 2) Watching REALLY BAD science fiction and/or horror movies 3) Torturing those around me with twisted logic and circuitous reasoning
Status: Groovy

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